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Online Classes
Women, Weight & Hormones
with Janice Novak

Are you finding no matter how well you watch what you eat or how much you exercise weight is not budging? Your inability to lose weight probably has more to do with hormone levels than anything else. Until imbalances are corrected, trying to lose weight will be like shoveling sand against the tide. We’ll discuss which hormones are involved and what can be done to correct imbalances; concrete solutions for controlling appetite and cravings; major sources of hormone mimicking chemicals and how to get rid of them; what HRT or birth control pills have to do with weight gain; how to have your hormone levels checked reliably; what steps need to be taken to safely break the vicious cycle of hormone related weight gain.
Seniors: $15
Acupressure for Sinus Relief
with Janice Novak

Acupressure is an ancient, Eastern healing technique that involves pressing or kneading key points on the body to release energy blockages and simulate energy flow through pathways called meridians. Continual sinus problems have become epidemic in both children and adults. You can find relief by stimulating the many points that relieve sinus blockages, headaches and more.
Seniors: $15.00
Techniques to Activate Your Brain’s Creativity Center
with Janice Novak

Learn the many things you can do to tap into your brain’s creativity center. We’ll discuss and do ancient breathing patterns to activate the right side of your brain where creativity lives. We’ll do acupressure points that offer instant clarity and calm. You’ll learn the Energy Medicine technique called ‘Thumping’ to activate creative centers as well as how colors play a role in brain function. You’ll leave class with a bunch of new tools to help you be your best before endeavoring on any creative activity.
Seniors: $15.00
Marry Me Gnocchi with Chicken & Homemade Breadsticks!
with Tess Georgakopoulos

Spring is in the air, and nothing says “I love you” more than a handcrafted from-SCRATCH meal like Chef Tess’ Marry Me Gnocchi with Chicken and Breadsticks. Learn to create this delicious memorable meal for your family, friends, or someone special, then sit back and enjoy the compliments! On the menu: Hand crafted gnocchi bathed in a homemade silky, rich, flavor-packed sauce, paired with perfectly cooked and seasoned chicken breasts, and a side of homemade BREAD STICKS! A Restaurant quality meal that is guaranteed to become a family favorite in your dinner rotation!
No Senior Discount
Will run
Acupressure to Relieve Migraines, Headaches, Nausea & Vertigo
with Janice Novak

Acupressure is a healing technique that works with how energy flows through your body. Just as you have blood that flows through vessels, you have energy that flows through pathways called meridians. Acupressure involves pressing or massaging key points on the body to stimulate energy flow which can offer great relief with no side effects. We will focus on the points that relieve and prevent migraines and headaches as well as nausea and vertigo.
Seniors: $15.00
Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People
with Craig Coffman

In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give you years of musical enjoyment. Learn to play piano the way professionals do-using chords. The chord method is LOTS of fun and dramatically easier to learn than reading notes. Class is held online using zoom and is partly hands on instruction and partly lecture demonstration. Fee includes the online book, online follow up lessons, a recording of the class and also an optional periodic question and answer session. Students take the online class and then follow that up with their own private study and practice by using our follow up video lessons and the online book which they begin using in the first seminar. Optional monthly question and answer session after the class is held is offered for any interested students. Ages 13+
No Senior Discount Available For This Course
Will run
Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People
with Craig Coffman

In just a few hours you can learn enough about playing the guitar to give you years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take private lessons to do it. This crash course will teach you some basic chords and get you playing along with your favorite songs right away. Fee includes the online book, online follow up lessons, a recording of the class and also an optional periodic question and answer session. Class is held online using Zoom and is partly hands on instruction and partly lecture/demonstration. For ages 13+.
Will run
De-age Your Brain
with Janice Novak

Current research shows lifestyle and diet have a big effect on HOW the brain ages. Cognitive function, which covers all aspects of perceiving, thinking and reasoning, CAN improve. And the very good news is no matter what your age there are things you can begin to do today to improve how quickly and effectively brain cells communicate with each other. We’ll discuss which ‘superfoods’ reduce the damaging effects of toxins and inflammation on the brain and which nutrients are great for memory, attention, processing information and reducing stress. You’ll learn simple, easy strategies to help your brain stay healthy and alert.
Seniors: $15.00