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Health & Well-being
Self Defense - R.A.D. Defensive Systems Course
with Jon Miller

The RAD system of self-defense is specifically tailored 4-week course offered by the Town of Somerset Police Department that is designed for women to develop and enhance their options for self-defense. The course is broken down into 4 sessions of 3 hours each and consists of both PowerPoint instruction and hands on tactics. Free to any High School female student. Additional information and pre-registration can be done with the Somerset Police Department. Fee includes materials provided for course.
Class dates: March 5, 12, 19, 26
Seniors: $20
Acupressure for Sinus Relief
with Janice Novak

Acupressure is an ancient, Eastern healing technique that involves pressing or kneading key points on the body to release energy blockages and simulate energy flow through pathways called meridians. Continual sinus problems have become epidemic in both children and adults. You can find relief by stimulating the many points that relieve sinus blockages, headaches and more.
Seniors: $15.00
Techniques to Activate Your Brain’s Creativity Center
with Janice Novak

Learn the many things you can do to tap into your brain’s creativity center. We’ll discuss and do ancient breathing patterns to activate the right side of your brain where creativity lives. We’ll do acupressure points that offer instant clarity and calm. You’ll learn the Energy Medicine technique called ‘Thumping’ to activate creative centers as well as how colors play a role in brain function. You’ll leave class with a bunch of new tools to help you be your best before endeavoring on any creative activity.
Seniors: $15.00
Acupressure to Relieve Migraines, Headaches, Nausea & Vertigo
with Janice Novak

Acupressure is a healing technique that works with how energy flows through your body. Just as you have blood that flows through vessels, you have energy that flows through pathways called meridians. Acupressure involves pressing or massaging key points on the body to stimulate energy flow which can offer great relief with no side effects. We will focus on the points that relieve and prevent migraines and headaches as well as nausea and vertigo.
Seniors: $15.00
with Molly Burke

PLEASE NOTE: Due to a conflict with the instructor, classes will begin April 2.
Join us Wednesdays for yoga! In this class, postures are practiced to align, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body. Breathing techniques and meditation are also integrated. You can expect an emphasis on simplicity, repetition, and ease of movement. Full-body relaxation and balance are the goals, as we make a full circuit of the body’s range of motion. Please bring a yoga mat with you.
Will run
De-age Your Brain
with Janice Novak

Current research shows lifestyle and diet have a big effect on HOW the brain ages. Cognitive function, which covers all aspects of perceiving, thinking and reasoning, CAN improve. And the very good news is no matter what your age there are things you can begin to do today to improve how quickly and effectively brain cells communicate with each other. We’ll discuss which ‘superfoods’ reduce the damaging effects of toxins and inflammation on the brain and which nutrients are great for memory, attention, processing information and reducing stress. You’ll learn simple, easy strategies to help your brain stay healthy and alert.
Seniors: $15.00
Mudras: The Ancient Art of Hand Yoga
with Janice Novak

Mudras, or ‘yoga of the hands’ has been recognized for centuries as a simple yet effective healing tool. In ancient India, mudras were believed to be the key to spiritual, mental, and physical wellbeing and that regular practice of the hand positions can rejuvenate body and mind. The hand positions are easy to do, take minutes to perform and can be done almost anywhere at any time. Mudras can be used to relieve anxiety, stress, digestive issues, weight loss, bloating, insomnia and more.
Seniors: $15.00
Feet, Knees, and Ankles
with Janice Novak

Have you taken a good look at your feet, ankles or knees lately? They support the weight of your entire body. Take off your shoes and socks, roll up your pants and look in a mirror. Do your ankles roll in? Are your arches flat? Do you have bunions or calluses? Are your toes straight or do they bend in? Does your big toe pull in towards the other toes? Do your knees lock back? Do your kneecaps turn in or pull outward? In this workshop, you will learn simple things to help correct these common problems.
Seniors: $15