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Stained Glass
in Art & Crafts
Stained Glass Keepsake - March Class
with Linda Leggett

Everyone is artistic! Enjoy this introductory class to stained glass. Have fun creating a keepsake that is for yourself, a family member, or a friend. This course is meant for all stained-glass skill levels. The pieces will be cut out and ground and you will learn to foil and solder them together.
Please see the attached photos from February's fun class! Group Pic Buffalo finished Buffalo pinned
No Senior Discount
Each class date is a separate registration and fee so $60.00 per class as everything is supplied.
Examples of options for March's options are below, please let Mary know which you are interested in doing or if you have any questions at (716-795-3110).Bunny Celtic Knot Clovers Cool Bunny Easter Egg Bunny Sabres Mouse Tulip
Stained Glass Keepsake - April Class
with Linda Leggett

Everyone is artistic! Enjoy this introductory class to stained glass. Have fun creating a keepsake that is for yourself, a family member, or a friend. This course is meant for all stained-glass skill levels. The pieces will be cut out and ground and you will learn to foil and solder them together.
No Senior Discount
Each class date is a separate registration and fee so $60.00 per class as everything is supplied.
See the links below from February's class! We all had a great time and made a special treasure! Buffalo pinned Buffalo finished Group Pic
Here are options for April. Please call Mary at 716-795-3110 with your selection or if you have any questions.
Bunny Celtic Knot Clovers Cool Bunny Easter Egg Bunny Sabres Mouse Tulip